Monday, April 23, 2012

The Custom Process

Here's a quick breakdown of the usual steps it takes to make a custom action figure

The first step is to get an action figure to use as a "base". The base for Cyborg was a character called Cyborg Superman (Step 1). This superman figure is already a factory made piece that I began sculpting the new costume on. I removed his cape, added a different head, and gave him a gun on his arm.

The next few steps involved a great deal of sculpting new details and adding the costume. His backpack was made of cardboard, glue and tape. I also added some wires for extra detail. (Any gray area of the costume is the clay I used to sculpt on the figure)

Once the sculpting is done, I clean up the figure, sand down any rough spots and then paint a basic coat of gray paint over the whole figure as a primer coat (Step 4). The primer coat of paint helps me to see any mistakes, if there are any, on the figure before I begin the final paint job. This usually helps if there is a rough spot on the figure of if there is something missing that I did not notice before. Once the primer coat looks good, the figure is then ready to be painted

Cyborg was a lot of fun to paint. He is mostly silver which gave me a chance to add a lot of black paint in the lines of his costume to make the silver really stand out. Silver paint can be a pain in the neck to work with sometimes due to the metallic color, but once it drys and a layer of clear gloss has then been painted over the entire figure, the colors really stand out!

Here are some more views of the new custom figure!

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy!

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